

Category Products (please choose a product here!)
Graphics ArtEffect, DrawStudio, Tornado3D
Graphics add-ons Wacom Tablets, Drivers, ClipArts
DTP, Word Processing PageStream, PageStream add-ons, AmigaWriter
Video X-DVE, VideoFX, FontMachine
Programming StormC, StormWizard, StormPowerASM, Books
Internet, Fax NetConnect, Merapi (Java), STFax Pro



ArtEffect 2.5 (Layers, unlimited Undo/Redo, HAM8)(Special Price!)

ArtEffect 1.5 (HAM8, upgradeable!)(Special Price!)

ArtEffect Update 1.x -> 2.0
ArtEffect Update 1.x -> 1.5 (Internet or AmiNet)
ArtEffect Update 1.x -> 1.5 (on disk)
ArtEffect Update 2.x -> 2.5 (on disk)

ArtEffect Plug-In PowerEffects 1
ArtEffect Plug-In PowerEffects 2
ArtEffect Plug-In Superview
ArtEffect Plug-In PowerPC Effects (PowerPC optimized!)

249 DM

98 DM

169 DM
20 DM
20 DM

69 DM
69 DM
69 DM
69 DM

149 US$*

59 US$*

98 US$*
12 US$*
12 US$*

40 US$*
40 US$*
40 US$*
40 US$*

Wacom Tablets



WACOM PenPartner (A6, 96*128 mm)

WACOM ArtPad II (A6, 96*128 mm)

WACOM UltraPad A5
WACOM UltraPad A4
WACOM UltraPad A3

Tablets will be delivered with Amiga driver Tableau and the UltraPen Duo (pressure sensitive, w/ Eraser) and ArtEffect 1.5 SE !

269 DM

379 DM


Tableau (Amiga Tablet Drivers)



Tableau PenPartner (only for Wacom PenPartner)
Tableau LT (for Wacom ArtPad and Genius EasyPainter)
Tableau PRO (for Wacom UltraPad, Wacom UD series, Wacom ArtZ II and Genius NewSketch)

The Amiga Tablet drives for all of you who already have a tablet

69 DM
69 DM
149 DM

40 US$*
40 US$*
89 US$*




DrawStudio 2.0 CD (incl. ImageStudio, ClipArts etc.)(New Price!)
DrawStudio 2.0 (disk version)(New Price!)

DrawStudio Upgrade 1.x CD/Disk -> 2.0
DrawStudio Upgrade 1.x -> 2.0 CDROM
DrawStudio Update 1.x -> 1.1 (Internet)

169 DM
169 DM

49 DM
89 DM

98 US$*
98 US$*

30 US$*
55 US$*




Aktuelle Grafikbibliothek Amiga/PC/Mac
Interest Verlag (professionel quality! German only!)

198 DM

119 US$*

CD Phase 2 or 3 or 4
each two CDs (please tell us the numbers!)

59 DM
98 DM

35 US$*
59 US$*

300 Universal-Cliparts (DR2D format, on disks)

59 DM

30 US$*




Tornado3D v2.0 (Rendering and Amination Package)new

898 DM

528 US$*




X-DVE v3.10 (all-in-one video program)
X-DVE Upgrade 2.x -> 3.0
X-DVE Upgrade 1.x -> 3.0

VideoFX v2.0
(your instant start for your professional video production with Amiga)

FontMachine v3.10 (3D text effects & animations)
FontMachine Upgrade 1/2 -> 3.0

298 DM
70 DM
130 DM

249 DM

129 DM
60 DM

175 US$*
45 US$*
80 US$*

150 US$*

80 US$*
40 US$*




PageStream 3.3

Update PageStream 3.2
Update PageStream 3.0/3.1
Update Pagestream 2.x or SE

TextFX 2 (special text effects)
TextFX Update 1.0 -> 2.0
TypeSmith 2.5

Borders BASIC
Borders GEO
Gary’s Effects
TrueType Fontengine
WordWorth Filter
JPEG Filter

398 DM

98 DM
169 DM

98 DM
49 DM
69 DM

79 DM
79 DM
79 DM
49 DM
49 DM
49 DM

235 US$*




AmigaWriter (advanced word processor)(Special Price!)

available in September

149 DM

89 US$*

STFax Professional    
STFax Professional v3.3 new(fax program with voice function)

98 DM

59 US$*




NetConnect v2 (Voyager NG, Java-Script, AmFTP etc.)new

189 DM

111 US$*

Merapi (Java for Amiga)    
Merapi (Java for Amiga) no date yet!    
Programming with StormC



Basic Packages:
StormC 3.0 Professional (unlimited single user license)
StormC 3.0 Non-Commercial (NC)
(non-commercial usage, no Shareware programming allowed)

498 DM
298 DM

333 US$*
198 US$*

StormC add-ons



StormC 3.0 PowerPC-add-on
StormC 3.0 PowerASM-add-on

StormC 3.0 p.OS-add-on

298 DM
149 DM
89 DM

198 US$*
98 US$*
59 US$*

StormC Upgrades



StormC 1.x -> 3.0 Professional
StormC 1.x -> 3.0 Non-Commercial

StormC 2.x -> 3.0 (NC or Pro)

License Upgrade:
StormC NC 2.x/3.x -> StormC 3.0 Professional

169 DM
89 DM
39 DM

249 DM

115 US$*
59 US$*
26 US$*

169 US$*

PowerPC Assembler



StormPowerASM V3.0

249 DM

149 US$*

Visual GUI Editor



StormWizard 2.2 (incl. p.OS version)

StormWizard Upgrade 1.x -> 2.2
StormWizard Update 2.x -> 2.2
StormWizard Upgrade from StormC Basic Package

149 DM

69 DM
20 DM
98 DM

89 US$*

45 US$*
12 US$*
59 US$*




*Please note: All Prices must be paid in German Marks (DM), because we can only charge this currency. Nevertheless the right most column shows the SRP (Suggested Retail Price) in US$. This is mainly a help for the conversion to your native curreny.

© 1998 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com